Monday, August 31, 2009

Behind the Scenes: Channel 3 News "New Look"

Channel 3 News has a slightly new, more colorful look starting this evening with Channel 3 News at 6 p.m.
The changes include a new HD monitor wall in the back of the newsroom, another monitor wall to the right of that, and new hanging pieces that give a more colorful and interesting background to the main news set.

Here are a few pictures of the finished construction:


Sam said...


The hanging elements are a little too distracting, and close off the open newsroom feel.

Otherwise very nice.

Anonymous said...

The new look is somewhat a good improvement. My only issue is with the wall of fake monitors. It looks worst that what it replaced. It obvious that those monitors are real.Why not add real hd monitors?

Ian said...

I love the new addition of the gradient scrims -- they really punch up the look of the set, while maintaining the classy aesthetic synonymous with Channel 3. But I have to agree on the fake monitors... they're SO 19 Action News (barf).

Anonymous said...

Pleasant looking. One question, what is the purpose of that raised area to the left at the top of the stairs? Is it simply a prop or is it usable space? Why isn't it utilized during newscasts? It would add an interesting visual element to the newscast.

Anonymous said...

Hey to the other Anonymous.... if we used real monitors on that wall then our overhead would go up and some people around here would lose their job!!!! Thank you for your suggestion!!!

Frank Macek said...

Thanks for your comments. We wish we could afford more monitors for the entire newsroom....but we have to be reasonable right now with the economic conditions.

We felt the set needed much more color and this was the first step.

We would never try and be "Action News" ish.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Macek:
I am curious also, what is at the top of the spiral staircase and what is the purpose of the space?

Frank Macek said...

The staircase actually leads up to an area we call "web world"... when we first using the new set, when did a lot of stuff up there. However, it's tough to shoot up there because of the limited space, so it's a rarity we use it anymore.

Virtual sets are becoming more common and we'll probably create one for the web center soon.

Anonymous said...

You could have painted the wall a light blue instead of adding the fake monitors. They really look tacky. For real.