Monday, December 17, 2007

News: Who's the new voice of NBC Nightly News?

Don't worry! Brian Williams remains in the anchor chair at Rockefeller Center, but tonight a new voice emerged from behind the scenes.

Michael Douglas has been named the new announcer to introduce the evening news program from 30 Rock. The Academy Award winning actor has been on the big screen himself for nearly forty years. Now, he takes on a new role with NBC News.

Howard Reig, long-time NBC staff announcer, retired in 2005. However, he his voice had continued to be heard through the magic of recording technology since. Whenever the show was on the road or a new substitute anchor was employed, Reig recorded a new introduction in a Miami studio where he currently lives.

But those weeknight introductions for Brian Williams were officially retired on Friday, December 14, 2007.

Michael Douglas starts a new tradition for NBC Nightly News.

And now you know because you read the "Director's Cut Blog" - quickly becoming the "must read" blog for fans of NBC and WKYC.

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