This time, we sat down with morning news anchor John Anderson and asked him some questions about his daily duties at WKYC and a few personal things he cared to share. John also has started a blog called "
Pan Ohio Hope Riding."
Q: What was your first job anchoring the news?
John: My first TV job was actually in high school. We had a cable TV station inside my high school in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. I hosted a weekly show called Park Sports. I interviewed coaches of our high school teams. My first paying job was weekend sports anchor in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I was hired when I was a junior in college. It was a lucky break that came my way.
Q: What time do you have to get up in the morning to be at the station?
John: I actually wake up at different times. On the days my wife works, I sleep earlier and get up by 5pm to be with the kids. Other days, I sleep until 8pm so that I can see the kids before bedtime and read stories. The schedule is different almost everyday of the week, but it's good to be different.
Q: What's your secret for looking so wide awake at 5:01 AM?
John: The only secret I have for being so wide awake at 5 in the morning is I love my job. I love coming into work and helping put the show together and then telling stories. Ever since I was a kid, I enjoyed telling stories, and that's what anchoring is all about. When you love your job, it sure makes it easier to go to work.
Q: What's the most difficult story you've ever had to report on?
John: There have been several, but the one that comes to mind right away is a tornado that hit Spencer, South Dakota. Spencer was a small town, about 12 blocks wide, and 11 blocks were wiped out. I remember meeting one of the survivors, who just happened to look out the window and witness one of her neighbors being killed by the tornado. She was one of the strongest people I've ever met, and my heart just went out to her when I heard this terrible story. But to show you the strength of some small towns and the people who live there, one thing left standing was the Little League Baseball Field. The next night, there was a game on that field. The residents told me that there was no way the tornado was going to take baseball from them.
Q: You love doing the morning sports report, would you rather be a sports anchor?
John: I actually was a sports anchor for the first seven years of my career. I love sports, have a real passion for them, but I enjoy the job I'm doing. Plus, the morning show gives me a chance to put together the sports for the show. I love talking sports with the viewers, as Cleveland is so passionate about their teams. I also love putting together my special "Look at This" segment during the 6am half hour. It gives me a chance to show the fun, weird, wacky, you name it, that sports has to offer.
Q: What's your favorite sport or team?
John: Favorite sport has always been hockey, no surprise growing up in Minnesota. As a kid, I followed the Minnesota North Stars every move. I feel I have something in common with Browns fans - I was crushed when my beloved Minnesota North Stars picked up and moved to Dallas. I still remember that day when the announcement was made. So now I cheer for the Minnesota Wild, and the soon to be Lake Erie Monsters!
Q: You and your wife both work, who takes care of the kids?
John: That's easy - we work opposite shifts, so we take care of the kids. Our schedules actually work out, and we can have long weekends together.
Q: What's your favorite type of car?
John: My favorite car would be a NASCAR. I have the need for speed, although I would never drive that fast! I went to see a NASCAR race in Michigan - TV can't capture the speed or the sound of racing.
Q: What do you like to read?
John: Honestly with two almost-three year olds, the only reading I do at home is stories like Brown Bear, Bears on Wheels, and Sesame Street.
Q: Where will you be headed for summer vacation this year?
John: Most of my vacation time will be on the bike. I just got back from Lake Tahoe, where I did a 100 mile bike ride around the lake for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It was very exciting - our Northern Ohio team raised a personal best $390,000! Later this summer, I will be riding 300 miles from Cleveland to Cincinnati for the American Cancer Society, and then another 100 mile ride for the Leukemia Society in Maryland in the fall. Otherwise I'll be busy training in the wonderful Metroparks in the Cleveland area.
To reach John, you can email him at: