Tuesday, July 03, 2007

News: Political Ad Spending Already Underway

With about 16 months left until the presidential election, Nielsen has reported the broadcast airwaves and online buzz are heating up.

Republican candidate Mitt Romney has placed more local television ads than all the other candidates combined at 4,549 as of June 10. Local TV ad spending started early this time, too, as Republican Duncan Hunter was the first to run a TV spot, starting 625 days before the November 4, 2008 election.

For the Democrats, Governor Bill Richardson has run the most TV ads at 2,232 spots in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Radio has seen some action, as Republican Rudolph Giuliani has placed 642 spots in many major markets with emphasis in Kansas City, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Providence.

According to Nielsen BuzzMetrics, Democrats have owned the online world so far with a 64.3% buzz share compared to the Republicans at 35.7%. And, without running any online ads, Senator Barack Obama has a 2 to 1 lead with online buzz volume through blogs and discussion at 45.5% share compared to his next nearest competitor Senator Hillary Clinton at 32% share. Republican Senator John McCain leads his party with the most online buzz at 37.9% share.

Read more of the study...CLICK HERE

Courtesy: Nielsen

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