By Kristen Dahlgren
Around the country, the countdown is on. But in less than 10 days, this won't be just a test.
At midnight on June 12th the era of analog TV ends for good, broadcasters will only be sending digital signals.
And while call centers are now flooded with questions on the conversion, and even after years of preparation and Congress pushing back the deadline from this February to June, experts say millions still aren't ready.
"The estimates right now are that maybe three million households or so that are not yet prepared. And these are estimates so there's no registry of where these people live and we wont know until there's an analog shutoff on June 12th," said FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell.
For many, these are confusing times.
"I've heard people talking about it, some people are giving up television, it just seems like a big hassle to them," said consumer Cheryl Brennan.
But those in the know say its really quite simple, if you have cable or satellite you're fine, but if you have rabbit ears or an external antenna, you may need a digital converter box.
The government is urging everybody to get ready now and help others who may need it so that June 12 doesn't bring a big shock.
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