Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Director's Alert: WKYC Launches New "Look"

Beginning with "Channel 3 News" at Noon today, WKYC has a new on-air graphics and music package.

This new look is part of Gannett's companywide, G3, initiative look that will appear on all of the company's broadcast properties.

Here are a few pictures of the new look from the Noon launch:


Frumpy Curmudgeon said...

I'm recording the 6pm newscast on my DVR - I'll have to dissect the new look when I get a chance - if and when the kids let me wrestle the TV away from them and PBS Kids Sprout and Noggin. :)

The lower third graphics remind me of the look that is used by WNBC in New York.

Anonymous said...

They look pretty sharp to me.

Anonymous said...

The blue graphics are nice - blue is a really good color to use on TV.

The music is a little, uh, "Action-News-ey."

Anonymous said...

I HATE, HATE, HATE these new graphics.
Gannett needs to WAKE UP and realize that nobody's gonna watch their 19 slav-I mean 19 stations if their all 99.44 percent carbon copies.
It's bad enough that the Fox network is trying to get all it's stations to use the same generic graphics.
Now it's Gannett's turn.
I'll make sure never to watch Channel 3 until they change these graphics.

Anonymous said...

I feel as a viewer of WKYC. The graphics are ok. The Music isnt the greatest. What no NBC feel now? The Tower Music used on WKYC was great matched good with Station Imaging. I think Gannett might do some tweaking down the road. I feel that the stations should have a say in the music. Tower fits WKYC and the sister station WXIA. Why change something if isnt broke? Right or Wrong?

Anonymous said...

They certainly aren't as sharp as the old ones, but after seeing how the other stations are handling the new look, it looks pretty good (relatively speaking).

The music? Ick. Get rid of it and go back to "The Tower" as soon as possible. It reminds me of the music that plays when the lottery numbers are drawn. It just doesn't fit the mood of Ch. 3 News, IMO.

cougar24 said...

I like the new graphics, but I agree the new music isn't that good. The Old music was much more distinctive.