Wednesday, June 11, 2008

News: Enough converter coupons, Not enough stamps

News out of Washington today... Congress forgot to budget enough money to mail out the digital converter coupons to consumers. No kidding.

Reuters reported today that lawmakers may be asked for more money to get the coupons from the Commerce Department to your homes.

The problem arose after consumers who were already mailed the coupons failed to redeem them within the 90 day time limit. Therefore the unused coupons are cancelled out and new ones are issued for those that apply or reapply.

This has created a strain on the NTIA budget. The NTIA or National Telecommunications and Information Administration is the the arm of the Commerce Department charged with overseeing the converter box program.

Rep. Edward Markey, the chairman of the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, summed it up best "This sounds like it could be a big problem here."


The NTIA decided to delay an official request following a hearing until July when it will have a better handle on the amount of funds it lacks - for stamps.

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can reapply? My coupons expired last week and I just tried to reapply, and the system told me my household has already been issued the max two I'm allowed and can't ask for more.