The original "behind the scenes" blog originating from WKYC Studios
Monday, May 05, 2008
News: WKYC phone bank keeps experts busy
Jay Seaton, president of the Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Cleveland says tonight's phone bank at Channel 3, in which he and 4 other experts from his service are answering debt - related calls, could be the busiest he has ever participated in.
For two hours, Channel 3 viewers are being invited to call with their debt or credit related questions, so that the free service can give them advice and help get them started on the way to solving their problems.
As soon as one call was completed the phones instantly started ringing again. In fact, during our live shot at 6 p.m., the phones rang continuously as Jay and Dick Russ did a live interview on the air.
An ominous sign of the times...