Wednesday, May 14, 2008

News: New Romona's Room Blog

As part of the WKYC Information Center, several of our staff members are taking a cue from the popularity of the Director's Cut Blog to do a little bloggin' of their own.

Here is another new blog to check out when you get a little web surfing time.

  • Romona's Room - a blog by WKYC Anchor Romona Robinson as she discusses where she has been, what's on her mind and she answers your questions.

For more blogs from the WKYC Digital Broadcast Center: CLICK HERE. We also have a list of our favorites in our right hand menu under "Favorite Sites."

Many of our staff members also have profiles on Facebook. You can sign up for a free account and then join our groups and interact with many of us online about the station and the news stories we cover. Just search "WKYC". To join Facebook: CLICK HERE

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