Friday, June 15, 2007

Spotlight Article: How to Buy a Flat Screen TV

Our blog gets a lot of questions about HDTV - and that's certainly one of the big subjects we like to touch upon. So we'll offer some basic suggestions to keep in mind as you look to super size your viewing pleasure, while hopefully taking advantage of sale prices and close out discounts to help you shuck our old analog TV for a shiny new HD one.
1) Always read any ad's fine print. Often times, stores will offer limited time frames for sale items, or a limited number of models you might want.

2) Make sure you ask about price guarantees. If you find your TV selling for less someplace else within 30 days, will the store refund the difference?

3) If you accept a no-payment, no interest offer, always be sure to pay for the set completely before the term expires. If not, you'll get charged interest dating back to the date you bought the TV. This catches consumers all the time. And usually the interest rates are very high.

4) Pay with a credit card. Some card companies will mediate if you have a dispute. Others will automatically double the manufacturer's warranty.

5) Be sure to skip the extended warranties. It's a rip off and quite expensive. In general, two year-old LCD and plasma TV's have been very reliable so far.

6) Go as big as your room and budget allows. Many times HDTV purchasers had wished they bought a bigger set once they got it home and watched their first few big events.

If you have further questions that I can help you with, feel free to drop me a note:

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