Monday, June 18, 2007

News: WKYC Health Anchor Monica Robins Honored

Congratulations to Channel 3 Health Anchor Monica Robins - the first recipient of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure "Power of a Partner" Community Service Award.

Monica was honored with the award at a ceremony last week. <Click Here for Video>

The award is given to a corporation or individual for their unwavering and committed support to the Komen cause. Monica has been leading our fight against breast cancer at Channel 3 since we started our participation with the organization which is celebrating its 25th year anniversary.

It's an honor well deserved for Monica!

For more information on this year's Komen "Race for the Cure" that will take place on Saturday, September 15, 2007 at Mall B & C Downtown, you can call (216) 791-cure (2873) or visit

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