Wednesday, March 21, 2007

TV Trivia: Channel Surfing

The number of television channels that the average U.S. home receives has now reached a record high of 104.2, an increase of almost eight channels since 2005, according to Nielsen.

* In 2006, the average household tuned to 15.7 of the 104.2 channels available for at least 10 minutes per week.
* General dramas still dominate the lineup, comprising 50% of the primetime programs.
* The 30-second commercial is still the TV advertising standard in primetime, accounting for 57% of all commercials.
* On average, there are 111.4 million TV homes in the U.S..
* 28% of U.S. TV homes have Digital Cable .
* 82% of U.S homes have more than one TV at home.
* 84% of U.S. homes have a DVD player.

Number of Channels Available in the Average U.S. Home

Year (# Available) (# Viewed)
2006 (104.2)(15.7)
2005 (96.4)(15.4)
2004 (92.6)(15.0)
2000 (61.4)(13.6)
1995 (41.1)(10.1)
1990 (33.2)(N/A)
1985 (18.8)(N/A)

Types of Primetime Programs on Broadcast Networks

Program Type (# of Programs in 2006-07 Season)
1. General Drama (67)
2. Situation Comedy (28)
3. Other (sports events, animation, quiz shows) (14)
4. Variety (13)
5. Adventure, Sci Fi, Western (5)
6. News (4)
7. Feature Film (3)
8. Suspense Mystery (0)

Courtesy: Neilsen

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