Coast Guard crews had said it was too difficult for an air mission, but WKYC partnered up with local company Air1Airboats to take a trip out onto the ice with Channel 3 reporter Mike O'Mara and cameraman George Payamgis to look for the dog
The Coast Guard and Bay Village Fire and Rescue attempted to rescue the dog Thursday but it ran from them.
Concerned residents say they'd been watching the dog, likely a young black Lab for days.
Local animal lovers, including Friendship Animal Protective League Executive Director Greg Willey and Lorain police officer Rick Broz were on hand to assist.
Click on the video below to watch the rescue:
Concerned residents say they'd been watching the dog, likely a young black Lab for days.
Local animal lovers, including Friendship Animal Protective League Executive Director Greg Willey and Lorain police officer Rick Broz were on hand to assist.
Click on the video below to watch the rescue: