Time for another of our special "Get To Know Team 3" features which give you a chance to learn a little more about the people you see on the air at WKYC. These are fun, behind the scenes question and answer sessions dealing with subjects you might not normally hear about from them on the air.
Barbara Gauthier is currently a morning co-host on Channel 3 News Today from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. and anchor of Channel 3 News at Noon. We recently sat down with Barb to find out a little more about her career.

Q: What was your very first job in broadcasting? And what station was it?
Barb: My first "real" job - or paid job was at KTVT Television in Dallas, Texas. Yes it was a big market and it's very unusual that I would get an on-air job in a large market as my first job, but this was an independent station and the newscast was very "small market". I was hired as a reporter and eventually ended up anchoring the morning news. There was no teleprompter operator - so I had to "rip and read" as they say. There was a lot of wire copy and very little tape. It was a very good learning experience and I was fortunate to be hired. The station has since become, I believe a CBS affiliate and a much different place than it was 20 years ago when I first started out.
Q: You worked at Black Entertainment Television (BET) prior to coming to WKYC. What was it like working for a network?
Barb: I really enjoyed my time at BET. They treated me very well and it was exciting being a part of the new venture. I was hired as the "chief national correspondent" when the network launched it's nightly newscast and it was a real adventure and experience. It was challenging too - because there was no network affiliation like NBC - so it was difficult getting national video and support. It also involved moving to Washington D-C and I my husband and I had somewhat of a commuter marriage for a while. He and the kids were pretty much living in Atlanta. So that was extremely difficult but I'm glad I had the experience.
Q: Tell me about your experience while covering the Oklahoma City Bombing?
Barb: Oh Wow, how to begin on the Oklahoma City Bombing coverage? It was the most difficult, most emotional, most heartbreaking time of my career - probably my life. I was one of the first, if not the first television reporter on the scene. I know this because I was about 2 blocks from the building on the way to a doctor's appointment when it happened. I was the morning anchor at KOCO - the ABC affiliate at the time, and had finished up the morning show and had left for the appointment. When I heard the explosion, my car lunged forward and I thought I'd been rear-ended. When I looked back there was no one behind me. I looked to my right and I saw this huge plume of smoke. I grabbed my cell phone, reporter's notebook and purse and started running toward the smoke.
I arrived as police, firefighters and rescuers were arriving. The building had not been cordoned off or anything. I saw people, children bloodied and dazed and everyone running around looking for lost co-workers and loved ones and people hurting and in need of help. I was trying to help and didn't know what to do...calling the station trying to figure out what was happening. I eventually went on the air and was able to share some of the stories of those who'd survived, or had lost loved ones. Everyone in the city seemed to have been touched in one way or another by the tragedy. I will never forget the people I met or the stories from the bombing.
Q: What has been your best on-air blooper?
Barb: I've had a lot. Let's see - about a month ago I had one that everyone else seemed to think was pretty funny - (though I didn't think it was THAT funny). This was here at WKYC - during the morning show. I'd talked about a new fast "text" site to get the caloric intake on fast food items. We'd been promoting all morning that I would "text" live on the air to show in real time how quick this site was indeed. When it came time to text - I fumbled it, pressed the wrong button on my phone and completely messed it up. It was at the end of the show so we ran out of time and never got it done. I was so nervous about the whole texting thing, which I'm no good at, that I was trembling so bad it was so obvious. People seemed to get a real kick out of my nervousness (after all these years in the business).
I've had other major screw ups - I got the opportunity to anchor at WCBS Radio in New York, early in my career and it was a terrible experience. I started out bad and just snowballed from there. It was not pretty. I also really blew it when I interviewed Whitney Houston in Atlanta this was probably 10 years ago or so.. I was in a big crowd of reporters outside an awards show and we weren't expecting her to stop and take questions, but she did and turned right to me. I was so star struck I guess, I don't know, I couldn't think of anything to ask. I was like "duhhhhhh" - and she turned and walked away. Bad experiences but rather than dwell on how bad I was - I tried to learn from my mistakes and use them to get better - still working on it!
Q: What do you find to be the best part of your job?
Barb: The best part of the job by far is that I get to impact people's lives - hopefully in a positive way. The stories that I report can give people information that can perhaps improve their lives, or solve a problem or even help them raise their children. It's great being in a position to come into people's homes and be a part of their daily routine, part of their daily lives. It's a privilege to be allowed to be there and to be in a position to that kind of impact.
Q: You've been working on the morning show lately...How do you find the strength to get up at that hour of the morning? Any secrets you can share with early risers?
Barb: Honestly, I am probably the most sleep deprived person in Cleveland. I've always had a problem sleeping and it seems to get worse on this shift - I can usually get to bed at a decent time - I just can't fall asleep. But I love the schedule, it works so well with my family life and I love doing the morning show. So if anyone has any tips for me on how to get a good night's sleep, I'm listening.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time to help take your mind off work?
Barb: I have 13 year old and 8 year old - so I spend a lot of time at their schools and doing things with them and my husband. I love to travel and reading and I love music and entertainment. As a matter of fact I love to sing - that's probably what everyone at Channel 3 would say if you asked them about me...They'd say she's always singing. I'd hope they'd say - "And she's good too."
Q: What is the best thing about living in Northeast Ohio in your opinion? And why?
Barb: I love the seasons in Northeast Ohio, yes the winters can get a little long - but this winter my family discovered winter sports - skiing and snowboarding's - so perhaps even the winters will seem shorter. But the spring, summer and fall are just beautiful. I also love the fact that traffic is manageable. We moved here from Atlanta where traffic is always a nightmare. It's so nice being able to get where you need to go in a reasonable amount of time and not spend hours in the car. The people are nice too...
Q: Who is your favorite movie actor? What do you find appealing in him/her on screen?
Barb: Denzel Washington - he's fine.
Q: What is your favorite type of music to listen to? And why?
Barb: I love R& B and I love Jazz. I particularly like Old School R&B - Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, and Aretha from that era. But I love just about all music really.
Q: Have you read any good books lately?
Barb: I read Kite Runner at the end of last year. It was really good. When I go on vacation, I usually grab the romance novels - Danielle Steele - something like that for a quick read. It's fun and relaxing.
Q: Tell us one or two things about you that most people don't know about you.
Barb: I used to sing in bands - all kinds - R& B, even a band playing all original music, before making the move to television. I sang in just about every major club in New York City. I grew up singing in church with my sisters and when I go to visit my Mom in tiny Waverly Hall, Georgia – they usually ask my sisters and I to sing a song or two. Also when I was little my goal in life was to marry Santa Claus...
You can reach Barbara via email: