The spotlight shines brightly on WKYC weeknight news anchor Romona Robinson in this edition of "Get to Know Team 3." Romona joined WKYC in March 1997 after anchoring the "Ten O'Clock News" on WUAB starting in January 1988. Since your blog jock sits right next to Romona in the newsroom, we thought it would be fun to ask her a few questions about some things we've always wanted to know.
Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be on TV?
Romona: I was six years old, sitting next to my Mom watching legendary anchorman, Walter Cronkite on the CBS Evening News. He was fascinating to watch, I thought. I told Mom that day, I liked his voice and his eyebrows were bushy and scary, but I wanted to read the news just like him. I remember her looking down at me smiling say, "Okay, but you'll have to get good grades and go to college."
Q: Where else have you worked over the years, besides at the WKYC Digital Broadcast Center?
Romona: I started my career in Jefferson City, Missouri, then to South Carolina and later in Cleveland (WUAB/TV 43).

Q: What do you find to be the most rewarding part of your job?
Romona: It amazes me how the power of the media can change people's lives through the stories we tell. I've seen first hand how viewers respond to certain news and information and use it to help make their lives or the lives of others better. We provide a major service keeping people informed, and sometimes the news isn't always pleasant. But I'm just blessed to have a job that has the ability to affect so many lives in a number of positive ways.
Q: Tell our readers the inside scoop about what Tim White is really like when you sit next to him on the set each night?
Romona: It's like "Comedy Central" in between commercial breaks most nights. We have so many laughs about fun or odd stories. However, we also share quiet moments on set when there's a story that touches us both. Sometimes he's like the "older" brother I never had and other days I want to "punch" him for poking fun at someone. Tim and I "get" one another.

Q: How is married life with your husband, Rodney? Did marriage turn out to be all that you expected?
Romona: It's been almost 4 years now and I still think I'm a newlywed. I must admit now, I was a little nervous getting married later in life. I always assumed I'd be married at 26 or 28 years old. Because I waited and was so set in my ways, I worried a little about now having to "answer to someone else" so to speak. People have always told me marriage takes a lot of work. I must say, we haven't had to "work" at it yet? We just show respect, communicate how we're feeling and that seems to work.

Q: What is the best thing about Cleveland in your opinion? And why?
Romona: It's People! I know it sounds cliche, but the people of Northeast Ohio are unlike any I've seen throughout my travels. I was embraced by this city with open arms when I arrived twenty years ago and I've never felt like an outsider. There isn't any place I've gone when I didn't meet great people. While doing my Romona's Kids segments, I've been in North Olmsted doing the Irish Jig...in Parma learning the Polka to East Cleveland participating in African-Dance and I've learned there maybe cultural differences among people, but deep down we're all the same with a lot of the same wants and needs.
Q: What is your favorite piece of clothing?
Romona: My Footies! I have dozens to keep my feet warm walking around the house. I don't like wearing house shoes.
Q: If you were going to be stranded on a desert island, what three beauty products would you want to have with you?
Romona: Water, spinach and more water. I've found water and green leafy vegetables keep my skin looking smooth and healthy.
Q: What traits do you value most in others?
Romona: Someone who can think for themselves. Some people will believe any and everything someone else tells them, whether it comes from television, print, peer pressure etc. I've always tried to listen to information that's given on a topic from various sources and then make up my mind. Right now we're in an historic Presidential Primary and I can't believe the number of people who've said they'd vote for a candidate based on their race or gender. You have to care about the "Issues!"
Q: Name a couple of your favorite TV shows - and why you like them?
Romona: Anything on HGTV! I'm a huge "House Hunters" fan and "Ground Breakers." I think I'm a carpenter and landscaper and interior designer. I usually don't miss the Today show and on weekends basketball or football. Most people know I'm a huge sports fan. I don't get to watch a lot of the popular shows that are on weeknights because I'm at work.
Q: What's the one thing you want viewers to remember most about you when the Cleveland TV history book about 2008 TV anchors is written?
Romona: That television was my "Job." Trying to give back, by inspiring and encouraging others was my "Mission" and that I loved this town and its people.
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