It's time for another behind the scenes look at what's happening at the WKYC Digital Broadcast Center.
The Ohio Society of Professional Journalists has awarded Channel 3 several honors this year including a first place finish for "Best News Operation", a first place finish in "Best Medical/Science" for Senior Medical Correspondent Monica Robin's "Use Your Head" series about concussions in athletics and a second place finish for "Best Newscast" for Channel 3 News at 6 p.m. The awards will be awarded this Saturday, October 22, at Windows on the River in the Powerhouse at Nautica.
As we reported earlier, "" was shuttered by our parent company on Friday, October 14th, as Gannett concentrates on other digital projects. However, another website went on-line today for those same moms to keep in touch with their own community. The new website can be found at:
WKYC will present the third in a medical series called "The Cutting Edge: Attacking Heart Disease" on Wednesday, October 26th, at 8 p.m. WKYC has a special page dedicated to the series and finding more information on the topics examined and video clips from the programs @ The "Cutting Edge" is a Gannett wide project that was the brainchild of WKYC General Manager Brooke Spectorsky.
As always, please don't forget to become a friend of Channel 3 News and Channel 3 Weather. We have special on-line content just for our Facebook friends including your chance to be our "Facebook Friend of the Day," daily behind the scenes promos, previews of NBC shows, a daily programming guide of what's on Channel 3 and so much more.