Wednesday, August 17, 2011

WKYC to Air Live Special "The Voice: Cleveland Votes" on August 22nd

In preparation for the upcoming season of "The Voice" on NBC, WKYC is helping to make the dreams our aspring local singers come true with a live VIP audition contest to be held on Monday, August 22nd, from 7-8 p.m. on Channel 3.

For the last several weeks, we have been accepting auditions from anyone who is looking to find fame and fortunes through their voices.

This Saturday, we are calling back our entrants to face a live panel of judges including Barry Gabel, Avant, Evelyn Wright and Jim Henke from the Rock Hall to perform at the Channel 3 Studios.

Then on Monday, our top 10 finalists will compete on Channel 3 between 7 & 8 p.m. to showcase their talents LIVE to all of Cleveland. WKYC anchors Robin Swoboda and Chris Tye will host the show.

At 8 p.m., we'll open up voting and you'll help select the 3 best performances to advance to the national Los Angeles auditions where they will go to the front of the line to meet with the casting directors of the hit NBC show.

Join us this Monday, from 7 to 8 p.m. for our live special "The Voice: Cleveland Votes" only on Channel 3.

Click on the video to watch our on-air promo:

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