Monday, January 14, 2008

Comedian Frank Caliendo pays a visit to Channel 3

CLEVELAND -- Monday morning, Comedian Frank Caliendo and his many personalities stopped by "Channel 3 News Today" and provided some laughs.

Frank has been busy lately appearing on the new TBS series "Frank TV." Whether he's lampooning the President or sending up the hottest celebs, you never know who Frank will show up as next. Frank's new show is shot in front of a live audience, but also includes segments filmed at a variety of locations. Everything from current events to icons of the past is fair game for this comic chameleon.

Among the impressions he performed for WKYC viewers this morning included John Madden, President Bush and Robin Williams.

To watch a clip of Frank on Channel News Today (1/14/08): CLICK HERE

Frank's Website:
Frank TV on TBS:

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