Lydia: My career began at a cable company that had news and other types of programming. It was in Davie Florida. I really loved it! One show was called "Swing On a Star." I got to go around South Florida doing all these odd jobs like wrestling alligators and swimming with Dolphins.
Q: What other cities have you worked in besides Cleveland?
Lydia: Davie, Florida; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Miami, Florida; Albany, Georgia; Columbus, Georgia; Cleveland, Ohio.
Q: What is your favorite part of your job?
Lydia: Reporting stories that affect people's lives. I like it when you do a story and it really gets people thinking. It's informing the viewer. And you can never have enough information! I like bringing the viewer to the scene. I wish I had a million dollars to give to people who I meet that are down on their luck, lost a loved one or really need financial help for their children. We have good people out on the streets, we you just never get to meet them.
Q: What is the best story you have ever had to cover?
Lydia: Hands down...when the Buckeyes went to the first championship! I loved it and waited my whole life for the Buckeyes to win the National Championship and I was right in the midst of it. It was awesome!
Q: Who is your idol in the news business?
Lydia: Peter Jennings. I first started watching him and only him at the age of 13. He was the consummate newsman. He loved the field, loved the desk, excelled in politics, he had the whole package. And he was good. He was a high school dropout and he proved that knowledge indeed was power. He was Canadian born but loved being in America. He traveled the world and made a difference. I always wanted to meet him, but unfortunately he died from lung cancer in 2005.
Q: What do you always have in the fridge?
Lydia: Fruit. I love fruit. I can't give you my favorite because I love it all. Also, Tabasco sauce. I put hot sauce on just about everything.
Q: What celebrity would you most like to be in Hollywood?
Lydia: Well, Pope John Paul the Second wasn't a celebrity and didn't live Hollywood but there was a man who used his connections to change the world. I will never forget Easter Sunday when he gave his last homily from the Vatican. He was suffering so much but wanted to be with the people on last time. He died with dignity and respect. He knew the way to a better world was to enrich our youth. And oh, how they loved him!
Q: Do you collect anything?
Lydia: Not really, but I do have a lot of shoes.
Q: What is your favorite piece of clothing?
Lydia: I have a pair of baggy running shorts that I love. They are horrible but they are so comfortable. They encourage me to workout.
Q: What is the first song you're singing on Karaoke Night?
Lydia: Blue Moon!
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