Thursday, January 27, 2022

Tonight at 7p on 3: A Turning Point

Coming up tonight at 7p on 3, we'll present another edition of "Front Row: A Turning Point."

The belief that when blacks and Latinos move ahead, whites lose ground.

Author Heather McGhee calls it "zero-sum thinking."

We talk with the woman behind the New York Times bestseller "The Sum of Us."

You'll hear her theory as we explore solutions that allow all Americans to prosper together.

Join us tonight at 7p on 3 for our on-going series called "A Turning Point."

Director's Cut Blog EXTRA: 

Upon exploring some issues raised in The Sum of Us by author Heather McGhee, 3News hosted "A Turning Point" panel conversation on Tuesday afternoon connected to the concerns surrounding environmental racism and justice.

3News contributor Chris Webb moderated the discussion on how to be solution-oriented when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion issues, climate justice and building an interracial coalition around environmental issues.

You can watch that panel discussion below from January 25, 2022, presented by

For more of "A Turning Point," visit our special section on our website:

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