Correction: We are reposting our Cleveland DMA Sweeps Dates after an error was made in the original document sent to us from Nielsen. July sweeps actually begin on Thursday, June 30th and not June 29th.
By Frank Macek
Many of our readers have expressed interest in ratings periods and when they occur in 2011.
Most joke with us this is when you see the most sensational news stories on the air - and many times you are right.
However, it is also a time when more time and effort are put into the stories that air, giving our audience an in-depth look at stories that don't get as much airtime regularly.
Since Local People Meters were introduced locally in August 2008, television stations in our market (Cleveland, Akron & Canton) are now rated 12 months a year.
You can print out a full schedule of sweeps dates for 2011 by clicking on the picture above or the button below: