Tuesday, March 24, 2009

News: Got An Expired TV Converter Box Coupon? Try Again

People who got digital TV converter box coupons but let them expire can now apply for new ones.

The recent stimulus package put more money into the coupon program, letting the National Telecommunications and Information Administration give households with expired coupons a second chance.

Each household can apply for two $40 coupons that cover most of the cost of converter boxes. While 26 million coupons have been redeemed, 17 million expired at the end of their three-month life span.

The government also has cleared the wait list that built up after funding for the coupons dried up in January. That problem led Congress to delay the shutdown of analog TV broadcasts by four months, to June 12.

After then, older TVs that aren't hooked up to cable or satellite feeds will need converter boxes.

Source: The Associated Press

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! So glad people are getting these coupons and know what to do with them. How do we know this same thing isn't going to happen again in June? Right, they're probably going to try and extend it again. They've opened Pandora's box.