Monday, December 08, 2008

News: Could NBC Be Closer to Changing Its Prime Time Strategy?

Earlier this year, we discussed on the Director's Cut Blog about the possibility of NBC changing its prime time strategy as the network finds itself with very disappointing numbers. At that time, we suggested the network may reduce the hours or the days it programs, more in line with the Fox TV model.

Finally, NBC Universal chief Jeff Zucker said Monday afternoon that it's a very realistic possibility. All options are now on the table for the struggling network which has yet to regain significant footing.

According to today's Hollywood Reporter, Jeff made the comments as part of Monday's keynote at the annual UBS Global Media and Communications Conference.

"Can we continue to broadcast 22 hours in prime time? Three of our competitors don't," Zucker said. "Can we continue to broadcast seven days a week? One of our competitors doesn't."

Again, we have nothing specific on this more than what we read...but scaling back prime time to 2 hours (from 8 to 10 pm) would certainly allow NBC affiliates a better advantage for late news by shifting to a 10 p.m. newscast as ONE possibility.

The other possibility with a 2 hour prime time schedule from 9 to 11 p.m. would be to give local station's another hour in early prime to program locally.

This is something to watch carefully in 2009.

To read more from the Hollywood Reporter: CLICK HERE

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