Wednesday, October 31, 2007

News: New HDTV Study Released

Nielsen has released a new study that finds 13.7% of TV households in the U.S. are equipped with an HD television and HD tuner capable of receiving signals in HD (HD Capable), while 11.3% are equipped with an HD television and HD tuner and receive at least one HD network or station (HD Receivable).

Los Angeles has the highest penetration of HD Capable homes (20.4%) and New York has the highest penetration of HD Receivable homes (17.5%). Nielsen also reports that among U.S. Hispanic or Latino households, 10.4% are HD Capable and 8.2% are HD Receivable.

Among African-American households, 8.1% are HD Capable and 6.9% are HD Receivable.

To view the charts and tables, you can download the study: CLICK HERE

Courtesy: Nielsen

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