Q: Just an anxious WKYC fan, I can't get anything on [WKYC digital channel] 2 because of the low frequency, just wondering if you had any updates you could share with your viewers?
A: Funny you ask...I was just talking to our project engineer on this, Rex Rickly, several days ago and he said it is not likely until near the February 2009 analog cut off date that we'll be able to move from our current digital Channel 2 to Channel 17.
We are ready to go, but the Canton station (WDLI) on Channel 17 analog will not leave the channel until then...so we are kinda stuck waiting for them to move. An analog and digital channel can not broadcast on the same channel at the same time...I don't understand it all technically, but that's the deal.
Have you tried getting an HD booster antennae?? I believe Radio Shack has them and it might help you receive our signal in the meantime - or get digital cable.
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