Wednesday, May 09, 2007

News: 90% Of Kids Under 2 Watch Too Much TV

I love studies....since I'm more of a numbers crunching geek when it comes to ratings, statistics and such....So here is another one to ponder and this is rather startling:

According to another recent study by the University of Washington, nearly 90% of all U.S. kids who are under the age of 2 - and as many as 40% of babies under 3 months are regular watchers of TV including DVD's and videos.

The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates our kids watch 4 hours of TV every day. They go on to say that they recommend children under 2 not watch any at all. Older kids should watch no more than 2 hours a day of "quality" TV.

The study also finds 29% of parents believe baby-oriented TV and DVD programs offer educational benefits.

Courtesy: University of Washington